[原版教材]Dynamics of Neural Networks: A Mathematical and Clinical Approach 1st ed. 2020 Edition by Michel J.A.M. van Putten (Author) PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载【高清原版 非扫描版】(2020年)

[原版教材]Dynamics of Neural Networks: A Mathematical and Clinical Approach 1st ed. 2020 Edition by Michel J.A.M. van Putten (Author) PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载【高清原版 非扫描版】(2020年)

[原版教材]Dynamics of Neural Networks: A Mathematical and Clinical Approach 1st ed. 2020 Edition by Michel J.A.M. van Putten (Author) PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载【高清原版 非扫描版】(2020年)- 网课搜【wangkeso.com】


This book treats essentials from neurophysiology (Hodgkin–Huxley equations, synaptic transmission, prototype networks of neurons) and related mathematical concepts (dimensionality reductions, equilibria, bifurcations, limit cycles and phase plane analysis). This is subsequently applied in a clinical context, focusing on EEG generation, ischaemia, epilepsy and neurostimulation.
The book is based on a graduate course taught by clinicians and mathematicians at the Institute of Technical Medicine at the University of Twente. Throughout the text, the author presents examples of neurological disorders in relation to applied mathematics to assist in disclosing various fundamental properties of the clinical reality at hand. Exercises are provided at the end of each chapter; answers are included.

Basic knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, differential equations and familiarity with MATLAB or Python is assumed. Also, students should have some understanding of essentials of (clinical) neurophysiology, although most concepts are summarized in the first chapters. The audience includes advanced undergraduate or graduate students in Biomedical Engineering, Technical Medicine and Biology. Applied mathematicians may find pleasure in learning about the neurophysiology and clinic essentials applications. In addition, clinicians with an interest in dynamics of neural networks may find this book useful, too.

网课114(wangke114.com) » [原版教材]Dynamics of Neural Networks: A Mathematical and Clinical Approach 1st ed. 2020 Edition by Michel J.A.M. van Putten (Author) PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载【高清原版 非扫描版】(2020年)